How To Stay Motivated In A Changing Real Estate Market

Episode 123 | How To Stay Motivated In A Changing Real Estate Market

How To Stay Motivated In A Changing Real Estate Market

It’s not a secret to anyone at this point that the real estate market the last year or so has been quite a challenge. High interest rates have led to stagnating sales and limited supply. In fact the National Association of Realtors has reported that 60,000 Realtors have left the business altogether in the first half of 2023. That’s over 300 per day! We don’t want that to be you. 

This week we’ve got some Monday motivation to help you with adapting to the shifting market. Surviving and thriving during a difficult time in the market requires a multifaceted approach because you need business strategies for marketing and selling, but also you’re human and when times are tough you’ve got to find ways to keep motivated and inspired to carry on until you find the better times ahead. Nobody said this game was easy, but tough markets don’t last forever and if you can survive now you will be able to crush when the market eases a little bit. We are here for you and this week we share some tips on how to adapt to the market we are in. Let’s do this!