Why Holiday Weekends Are the Best Time to Buy a Home

Why Holiday Weekends Are the Best Time to Buy a Home

When you think of holiday weekends, you might imagine barbecues, fireworks, and relaxing by the lake. But did you know these festive times can also be the perfect opportunity to score a fantastic deal on a home? This week, Beth breaks down why the 4th of July and other holidays can be prime times for home buyers.

Many sellers who list their homes during these periods are highly motivated. Whether they've already relocated, are going through a major life change, or simply want to close a deal quickly, these sellers are often more willing to negotiate. With many people out of town or busy with celebrations, there are fewer buyers competing for the same properties. This can lead to less competition and better deals for those who are actively looking.

So, if you're considering buying a home, don't dismiss the idea of doing it over a holiday weekend. With the right approach and a bit of preparation, you might just find the perfect deal. Let’s dive in!

So You Want To Be A Realtor?

So You Want To Be A Realtor?

Have you ever wondered what it's really like to be a realtor? We often see the glamorous side of the real estate world, but the reality is not always so glamorous. This week we have Karey White from the BPR Experience, a new agent who recently got her real estate license. Karey's first ten days as a realtor were nothing short of eventful, and she’s here to share her hilarious and eye-opening experiences. Whether you are a Realtor or home buyer, this episode pulls back the curtain on real life, behind the scenes of being a realtor and it is guaranteed to make you laugh. Let’s dive in!

10 Things To Ask Your Realtor Before You Hire Them

10 Things To Ask Your Realtor Before You Hire Them

When it comes to buying or selling a home, hiring the right real estate agent can make all the difference. But how do you ensure that you're choosing the best agent for your home buyer needs? In this week’s show, we break down the ten essential questions you need to ask a real estate agent before hiring them. Buying or selling a home is a significant life event, and having the right agent by your side can make the process smoother and more successful. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be well on your way to making an informed decision and finding the perfect real estate agent for your needs. Let’s dive in!

Staying Connected & Serving Clients In The Summer

Staying Connected & Serving Clients In The Summer

As the warm weather rolls in and the days get longer, it's tempting to let your business take a backseat while you enjoy all the summer fun. Boating, barbecues, and beach days are calling your name, but how do you ensure you still have a paycheck come fall? This is where strategic planning is key. Setting aside time to create and schedule social media, emails, and other marketing materials will help you remain visible while you are out enjoying the sunshine. Consistency is also crucial. Maintaining regular contact with clients will keep you top of mind and show that you are not checked out and are available to meet their needs. Networking events are another great way to stay connected during the summer, and the warm weather offers a variety of ways to connect in a relaxed and enjoyable setting whether you are hosting or attending. Summer doesn't have to be a time of business slowdown. With strategic planning, consistency, and a focus on client engagement, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. So, grab your sunglasses and your planner, and make this summer one of both relaxation and productivity. Let’s dive in!  

Summer Real Estate Market Update

Summer Real Estate Market Update

Summer is here, and with that the summer real estate market is heating up. While the Fed's promised rate cuts haven't fully materialized, the good news is that interest rates are down from their highs of 2023. This drop has significantly increased buyers' purchasing power, making it an excellent time to consider buying a home. However, the inventory crisis continues to be a challenge. With a deficit of homes for sale, the market remains a strong seller's market, and finding the right property can be tough.

While the market has its challenges, there are still plenty of opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Real estate remains an incredible tool for building wealth and achieving financial stability. If you're considering making a move this summer, now is the time to reach out, get pre-approved, and start exploring your options.

So, whether you're looking to buy your first home, upgrade to a larger space, or invest in a property, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in to get all the latest insights and make the most informed decisions in this market. Happy house hunting!

Your Guide To Buying A Vacation Home Or Cabin

Your Guide To Buying A Vacation Home Or Cabin

Are you sitting on dreams of owning a vacation home or a piece of land that's just yours? Maybe you've envisioned a quaint cabin in the woods or a breezy lake house but thought it was out of reach. Kristi and her hubby Ryan just took the plunge on a piece of land in their favorite place, Grand Marais, Minnesota, and were shocked at how easy the process was!  Of course you will want to find a rock star Realtor to guide you. We also dive into how a home equity line of credit could be your ticket to a down payment, why working with local banks can offer a smoother process, and how to plan for a property that not only serves as a getaway, but also as a potential source of income. Buying a vacation property can serve as both a great investment and your dream getaway. It truly is a win win. If you've ever told yourself that owning a vacation property is a far-off dream, this episode is for you. Let’s dive in!

3 Ways That AI Can’t Replace You In Your Business

3 Ways That AI Can’t Replace You In Your Business

You know those Instagram posts that seem too perfect, with emojis placed just right? Ever wonder, "Why don't mine look like that?" Well, you might be witnessing AI at work. By now, you're likely familiar with AI's various applications, perhaps even dabbling with it yourself. From text editing to video creation, AI is a versatile tool. We're not here to discourage its use, but in this week's show, we want to emphasize that while AI can spark creativity and aid your business in numerous ways, it can't replace the human touch you bring to your content and business. Let's dive in!

The First Generation Homebuyer Loan Program

The First Generation Homebuyer Loan Program

Homeownership is a cornerstone of the American dream, but for many, it remains just that—a dream. The First Generation Homebuyer Loan Program is changing the narrative, and we've got the inside scoop straight from the experts.

 This week our guest is Heidi Welch from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and we sat down to discuss a groundbreaking opportunity for first-time homebuyers. Heidi has over a decade of experience with the state, and she sheds light on the details of the program, its goals, and how it's set to help bridge the housing disparity gap in Minnesota.

 For listeners outside Minnesota, the episode is equally enlightening. Nearly every state has a housing finance organization, and Heidi encourages homebuyers to explore these wherever you are. It is important to choose the right loan officer that can better inform you about these life-changing opportunities. Heidi emphasizes the critical role of homebuyer education and the wealth of resources available to those willing to seek them out and how Realtors can help to better inform their clients. 

We found this conversation incredibly eye opening and informative and we are grateful Heidi took the time to share this information with us. Let’s dive in!

Abundance Versus Scarcity Mindset In Business & Personal Life

Abundance Versus Scarcity Mindset In Business & Personal Life

Have you ever caught yourself staring at a closet full of clothes yet feeling like you have nothing to wear? Or perhaps you've been at a networking event, feeling the urge to connect with someone but held back by the thought, "Do they even want to talk to me?" If these scenarios sound familiar, you're not alone, and this podcast episode is for you. 

In our latest episode, we're tackling the hefty concept of scarcity versus abundance. It's not just about money or possessions; it's about how you view the world and your place in it. From the fear of missing out on sales to the guilt of indulging in a cupcake, we cover how a scarcity mindset can manifest in our daily lives. But it's not all about the struggles. We also delve into the joys and freedom that come with an abundance mindset. So, if you're ready to give yourself a loving kick in the pants and embrace a life of abundance, this episode is a must-listen. Let’s dive in!

Community Over Competition With Rosie The Realtor

Community Over Competition With Rosie The Realtor

In the competitive real estate market, it's easy to succumb to scarcity thinking, constantly comparing yourself to others. But what if success isn't found in competition, but in camaraderie and community? Our conversation this week delves into this idea with Rosie Choromanski, otherwise known as Rosie the Realtor.

We met Rosie through her Instagram page, and took our online relationship and turned it into a real life friendship. In spite of being at different brokerages we were able to collaborate and form a great working relationship as well. Rosie is a refreshing and authentic presence on social media, and we love that she uses her platform to spread positivity. In this conversation Rosie opens up about her life beyond selling houses. She talks about her passion for DIY projects, her love for her home, and her exciting new venture into writing a children's book. This is an uplifting conversation, and we can’t wait to share it with you. Let’s dive in!

Falen Bonsett On Thriving In Radio, Motherhood, & Defying Expectations

Falen Bonsett On Thriving In Radio, Motherhood, & Defying Expectations

We recently had the opportunity to chat with Falen Bonsett, prominent radio personality known for her dynamic presence on the Dave Ryan in the Morning Show on KDWB and now for her own show in the afternoon called, Falen and Colt. We delved into her experiences as a woman in the male-dominated radio industry and her journey as a mother balancing it all.

Falen shared insights into the challenges she faced as a female broadcaster, from breaking stereotypes to earning respect in a field dominated by men. Despite obstacles, her passion and determination carried her forward, earning her a well-deserved place in the industry.

In a world where representation matters, Falen Bonsett serves as an inspiration for aspiring female broadcasters and mothers alike. Her story is a testament to the power of authenticity and perseverance. This was such a fun conversation and we are so excited to share it with you. Let’s dive in!

You can find Falen on Instagram @falenkdwb and @falenandcolt and you can check out her podcast, I’m Still Fun with Jenny AJ Monsour.

Tips For Converting Social Media Followers Into Email Subscribers

Tips For Converting Social Media Followers Into Email Subscribers

Are you putting a lot of effort into your social media marketing and struggling to convert your social media audience into leads and sales? This is a real struggle for many freelancers and small business owners, and something we are always tweaking and working on. Moving your social media audience onto your email list can be the key to upleveling your business, but that can be easier said than done. How do we get there? It could be with contests or giveaways, or maybe it’s a special guide or discount code. Something to entice them and bring them into your inner circle. Once you’ve got them on your email list you have direct access to your target audience without the interference from algorithms and the latest trends. And let us not forget the most important part. You own your email list, you don’t own your followers! This week we are diving into all our tips and tricks for increasing your email subscribers from your social media platforms and converting them into sales. Let’s dive in!

Building Relationships In Real Estate

Building Relationships In Real Estate

The real estate industry can be competitive and at times isolating. Whether you are a solo agent or you are on a big team, having a sense of community can make all the difference in your success, and really your overall happiness and well being. Building relationships with other Realtors can be a great source of shared knowledge and mutual support and can truly serve to strengthen your business. We started this podcast to build a longer table and this week we have three awesome Realtor friends Julie Desrochers, Allie Walsh, and Melissa Clawson to talk about the importance of community over competition and how we can mutually benefit from working as partners and collaborators in our industry. Pull up a seat, this is like meeting some of your favorite Realtor gal pals for happy hour. Let’s dive in!

Creating A Real Estate Brand That Converts Mastermind

Creating A Real Estate Brand That Converts Mastermind

You’ve been asking, and we’ve been listening. Introducing our FIRST EVER MASTERMIND workshop, launching on Wednesday, April 17th. This 6-week workshop-style course is designed to roll up our sleeves and dive deep into the process of building a brand that converts. Each week, we'll explore a specific topic aimed at empowering you to elevate your real estate business.

In this week's episode, we break down the mastermind course and spill all the juicy details. We've all been in masterminds where we felt talked at rather than truly engaged. Not here. Our mastermind is jam-packed with valuable content, actionable steps, and by the end of the course, you'll have a brand strategy that resonates with your authentic self, ready to be put into action immediately.

So, are you ready to level up your business? Let's embark on this transformative journey together. It's time to make your business dreams a reality!

Why the NAR Settlement Will Actually Be A Good Thing For Realtors

Why the NAR Settlement Will Actually Be A Good Thing For Realtors

The recent news about the NAR lawsuit and settlement has been just about everywhere lately. After the settlement was reached you couldn’t open up any major news website and not see a story about it. Naturally there has been a lot of uncertainty and concern about what this means for buyers and sellers, as well as how Realtors and brokers will be affected. It’s been touted as a big win for buyers and sellers, and the death knell for Realtors and brokers. If you’re freaking out you may want to give this a listen first. This week we are going to offer some perspective on why the sky isn’t falling and why this could actually be a good thing for the real estate business on all sides of the transaction. Let’s dive in!

A Holistic Approach To Managing Menopause & Perimenopause

A Holistic Approach To Managing Menopause & Perimenopause

Are you a woman who's suddenly found herself struggling with hot flashes, unexplained weight gain, or feeling 'ragey' without a clue why? You're not alone, and it's time to talk about it. Welcome to the world of perimenopause and menopause, a not often talked about and misunderstood phase in a woman's life. But fear not, because this week we are here to shed some light on this subject. Our guest is Janell Yule, the co-owner and Chief Nutrition Officer at The Transformation Club. 

Janell shares all about the critical role gut health plays in your overall well-being, how to manage stress, and why strength training and walking might just be the best exercise for you at this stage. But it's not all about physical health. Janell and Beth touch on the importance of sleep, mindset, and having a gratitude practice. 

This episode is not just informative; it's a call to action for every woman to take charge of her health. It's about understanding that you're not destined to suffer through menopause. With the right knowledge and tools, you can thrive.

So, why wait? Listen to the episode now and start your journey to a healthier, happier you. It's time to embrace this stage of life with confidence and say goodbye to the days of confusion and discomfort. Your body is speaking to you; it's time to listen. Let’s dive in!

Why Facebook Remains A Vital Marketing Platform For Real Estate

Why Facebook Remains A Vital Marketing Platform For Real Estate

What are your feelings about Facebook? Love it? Hate it? Barely use it? While it doesn’t necessarily feel like it, Facebook is still the largest social media platform with over 3 billion monthly active users. That is over 37% of the entire world population and over 57% of the world's internet users. This means of all the social media platforms, leveraging Facebook for growth in your business is statistically going to get you the most attention.  

If you are anything like us, Facebook is not where you were placing the majority of your focus. This is a mistake. If you dig even further into the numbers about demographics, users, and advertising, Facebook looks like an increasingly powerful tool for your marketing strategies. And with Facebook it’s not just ads, you can take advantage of participation and activity in groups, connect with entirely different audiences from your other channels, and present yourself and the information you are sharing in a different format from the other popular apps like Instagram and TikTok. This week we are going to dive into some of the ways that we are approaching Facebook and why it’s going to be getting even more of our attention going forward. Let’s dive in!

House Hacking For Beginners With Conor Hesch

House Hacking For Beginners With Conor Hesch

Have you heard about house hacking? If you are not familiar with this term, house hacking has typically involved buying a multi family dwelling and living in one unit while renting out the other units. It has become an increasingly popular practice in the Financial Independence movement, and is a great way to build wealth with real estate. 

This week we have Conor Hesch from Closing With Conor, a mortgage expert with Bell Bank Mortgage in the Minneapolis area, to talk about his personal journey through the world of house hacking. He’s been at it for a long time, and leveraged the equity in his first duplex to acquire more properties and has now leveraged all of his real estate holdings to buy his dream house on Lake Minnetonka. It all started with purchasing a duplex and renting out half of it! This is an educational and inspiring conversation diving into the investing strategy known as house hacking. Conor is passionate about this subject and loves to educate and encourage others on their own journey. This episode is one not to miss. Let’s dive in!

10 Email Topics To Send Right Now

10 Email Topics To Send Right Now

Email marketing is one of, if not, the most effective way for you to reach out to your clients no matter what your business is. You own your email list, and it’s not dependent on algorithms or the latest trends. This is truly powerful stuff. In the present age where entrepreneurs are so often trying to use social media to grow their following and generate attention, the email list can be overlooked even though it is without question the better ROI. We hear far too often from Realtors, and friends in other businesses that they are not sending regular emails, and many times it’s just because they are too paralyzed by the overwhelm of starting. This week we’ve got you covered with 10 email topics that you can use and press send TODAY. If you aren’t going hard on email marketing there is no time like the present to get this going. Let’s dive in!

You Don't Need Online Leads

You Don't Need Online Leads

Are you dumping thousands of dollars into online leads that aren’t converting? Or maybe you are converting leads and you want to build a more organic and sustainable business without them. We are just going to come out and say it - you don’t need online leads to be successful! Far too often agents get hung up on thinking they need to be paying for leads to have success, and it’s just not true. In fact there are many other ways to have a much better ROI. 

Many agents are skipping the basics that are foundational to a real estate agent’s success and instead they tell themselves they need online leads. What if you tried working more on your current database instead of writing a check for leads that may not ever convert? You can be more than just a “one and done” Realtor by building and nurturing your past clients. What does that look like? It means serving your clients at the highest level so that they come back again and again, and refer you to family and friends. You want to be front of mind when someone in your sphere of influence needs a Realtor and this week we are going to dive into all of our strategies for generating leads without buying them from Zillow. Let’s dive in!